What does Je vais bien mean? (2024)

What does Je vais bien mean?

Je vais bien. "I'm fine."

(Video) French Pronunciation - How to Pronounce JE VAIS (I'm Going)
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What does je vais bien mean?

— Je vais bien. How are you? — I'm fine.

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What is the question for je vais bien?

Correct: Je vais bien. This is a response to “How are you?” (“Comment vas-tu ?”) which typically gets a response “I am well.” The correct response “Je vais bien” indicates how you feel overall – health, life, etc.

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How do you reply to ca va bien?

Some proper ways to respond to ça va? include, “Très bien, et vous ?” or in a more casual setting, “Ça va bien, et toi ?” But you can also respond with a simple “ça va,” which means you're doing fine.

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What does Je vais mean in English?

In English, you can say "I'm going," and everyone will understand that you're either leaving your current location or are on your way to a new destination that was previously mentioned. In French, however, simply saying Je vais (I'm going) is incomplete.

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How do you answer Je vais?

How to answer:
  1. If you're doing well, you can answer with Oui, je vais bien, et vous ? (Yes, I'm well, and you?)
  2. If you're not doing well, you can say Non, je ne vais pas bien (No, I'm not doing well)
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Does Je vais mean I go?

Aller in the present tense

Je vais – I go, I am going. Tu vas – You go, you are going (sing. fam.) Il va – He/It goes, he/it is going. Elle va – She/It goes, she/it is going.

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Can I say je suis bien?

I often hear "Je suis bien" which is a word for word translation of the English "I'm fine". The answer "Je suis bien" is not correct. The correct answer is "Je vais bien" or "Je ne vais pas bien".

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Is je vais bien formal?

An informal greeting. Je vais bien — I am well.

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What does je vais bien mon amour mean?

je vais bien mon amour. I'm fine my love.

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How can I respond to Merci?

De rien basically means 'You are welcome'. This expression is the most commonly used expression to respond to people saying 'thank you' in French. It is an informal response and should be used to respond to phrases such as merci, Merci mon ami, Merci mille fois, etc.

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How do you respond to Bonjour?

You can either reply saying "Bonjour" back or you could say "salut" which also means hello but in an informal way.

What does Je vais bien mean? (2024)
What do you reply for Merci?

The usual response to merci is de rien (You're welcome – literally, It's nothing) or il n'y a pas de quoi. In a more formal context, you could say Je vous en prie or Je t'en prie.

Can I say je vais aller?

In english, we say "I'm going to go." Since there is no "ing", in French, you would say "Je vais aller."

What tense is Je vais?

present tense

What is je vais tres bien merci?

je vais tres bien merci :) I am very well thank you :) Log in.

How do you say I'm fine?

Ways to say that you are well - Elementary
  1. I'm fine thank you.
  2. I feel great / marvellous / fine.
  3. Couldn't be better.
  4. Fit as a fiddle.
  5. Very well, thanks.
  6. Okay.
  7. Alright.
  8. Not bad.

Is it je suis bien or je vais bien?

"Je vais bien" or "je me sens bien" means you feel good, but "je suis bien" doesn't really mean much by itself. And if you say "je suis mal", it doesn't really mean "I feel bad", and it doesn't mean "I'm a bad person" like in English either, it's usually more like, "I'm in a difficult situation".

How do you respond to Bonjour mon ami?

What is the proper response to bonjour? It's more than sufficient to simply say bonjour back in response to those who greet you, but if you want to go a step beyond, you can respond with comment allez-vous, which is the French equivalent of asking how it's going.

Is Je vais past tense?

The conjugation of "aller" (to go) in the present tense is: je vais.

Is je vais future Simple?

Je vais + the whole verb (infinitive) which either ends in –er/-re or –ir =' I am going to 'which communicates a future tense. This is called the simple future.

Is Je vais near future?

The French near future is really usefull and super easy : it is formed with the verb to go (aller) conjugated in the present tense (je vais, tu vas, il va, nous allons, vous allez, ils vont) followed by the infinitive of the verb you actually wanna use.

Can I say Je suis my name?

Je suis [first name]

This phrase can be used in both formal and informal settings. In fact, it's one of the most common ways for people to introduce themselves in French.

What does je suis la mean?

Je suis là ! : I'm here!

When to use J'ai or Je suis?

J'ai = I have. Je suis = I am. That said, not always when you would say "I am" in English, is the French translation Je suis. The French say, e.g., I have 20 years (j'ai 20 ans).

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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